quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2010

A importância dos "think tanks": o caso do projecto "Rethinking the UK's International Ambitions and Choices", Chatham House

Já antes havíamos comentando aqui a importância dos "think tanks", ou "idea factories" (como alguns já lhes chamam), em sociedades democratas, modernas e pluralistas. Estas entidades, geralmente sem fins lucrativos, desempenham hoje um papel relevante na análise, reflexão e produção de conhecimentos e também na apresentação de propostas sobre temas relevantes para a sociedade civil e poderes públicos. Em Portugal, temos ainda quer percorrer algum caminho nesta área, como se constata quando fazemos comparações com a situação verificada em outros países europeus, como o Reino Unido, França, Holanda, Dinamarca, Suécia ou até mesmo Espanha.
Senão, veja-se este exemplo que nos chegou recentemente do Reino Unido, através do "think tank" Chatham House, especializado em temas relacionados com a politica e as relações internacionais.
Tendo presente as próximas eleições legislativas que se vão realizar, em Maio, no Reino Unido e o facto de se estar a iniciar uma nova década, o "Chatham House" convidou um conjunto de diversas personalidades ligadas às áreas politica, económica, empresarial, ensino, comunicação social, defesa, diplomacia, entre outras, para lançarem um projecto designado por  "Rethinking the UK's International Ambitions and Choices".
O objectivo que se pretende alcançar com a concretização deste projecto é o seguinte: " ....propose new ways for the UK to pursue its agenda at a time when the global economic crisis is also increasing pressure on budgets throughout government (...) The project starts from the simple premise that for any government to make informed choices about its international policies and resource investments, policy-makers and the broader policy community need to be able to draw on a solid understanding of the changing dynamics of global power and influence.".
Como "ouputs" desta iniciativa, liderada pelo Dr. Robin Niblett, Director do Chatham House, irão ser produzidos os seguintes "policy papers" e "reports", até ao final de 2010:

1. The UK in a Changing World
by Robin Niblett
This paper will consider the key challenges that the UK faces in pursuing its interests and ambitions at a time when the world is undergoing transformational change.

2. The UK, the United States and Europe
by Anand Menon
This paper will analyse how the UK's future international policies must reflect an objective assessment of the transatlantic partnership, UK relations with the US, and the EU's global ambitions.

3. The UK and the World's Rising Powers
author tbc
This paper will assess the consequences for the UK of the growing international power and regional influence of countries such as China, India, Brazil and others in the G20.

4. The UK's Approach to Energy and Climate Security
by Nick Mabey and John Mitchell
This paper will analyse how the UK will be required to manage the shift from being a net exporter to a net importer of energy while also building on its significant contributions to the climate change debate in the coming years.

5. The UK and the Developing World
by Kevin Watkins
This paper will review the commitment of the UK as a leading player internationally in promoting sustainable development in the poorest countries in the light of the increasing economic power and influence of countries such as China, India and the Gulf states.

6. The UK's Role in the Global Economy
by Jim Rollo and Vanessa Rossi
This paper will consider the likely impact of a decade of domestic financial stringency on the country's broader political influence and interests, and whether the UK can sustain its position in the top league of the world's most competitive economies.

7. Organizing for Influence
by Alex Evans and David Steven
This report will consider how effectively the UK government is organized to pursue its international ambitions, and what structural and broad budgetary changes might be needed over the coming decade for it to have the greatest chance of success.

8. The UK's Security and Defence Policy Options
by Paul Cornish
This report will place recommendations for the UK's future security and defence investments and policies not only within future budgetary realities, but also within the context of the country's potential national ambitions and vision for the future.

No final, todos estes documentos, serão apresentados e sujeitos a análise e discussão publica, contribuindo-se  deste modo, e de forma efectiva, para a reflexão, formação e consensualização de uma estratégia de promoção politica e económica externa do Reino Unido para a próxima década. Well done Chatham House!